Become a Private Lender
Diversify your portfolio with low risk, high return and short term investments
Time is the most valuable asset we all have — our partners trust and leverage our experience so that they can spend their time on what they find important. Private lending offers easy and passive exposure to low-risk, high yield real estate investments. We offer our partners short term notes with similar liquidity as CDs! Let us take the stress and uncertainty out of investing with great service and fixed returns.
Partnership Benefits
When you partner with us, you’re not just making money. You’re making a difference and leaving a lasting impact.
Restore a Home
Most of the homes we buy and renovate are in various states of disrepair. We’ll handle the rehab and coordination; our partner made a 10% return without lifting a finger. With your help, we are able to give these homes new life, restoring them to top condition.
Improve Neighborhoods
It’s not just about the numbers, it is also about the community. In 2 months, our private lending partner made a 10% annualized return with 1 point on this home. At the same time, we were able to upgrade the community and transformed this home into one of the nicest on the block.
Provide a Home
Together, we want to change the way people think about rentals. By holding our work to a high standard, we ensure that every future tenant has a home they are proud of. Work with us and know that you’re helping provide affordable high quality housing.
Leaving your hard-earned money in a savings account is no way to protect and grow your assets.
Having grown our portfolio to more than 20 doors with our own capital, we are now looking to work with private partners on select deals. With our team and proven processes, we are ready to offer 8-10% returns with 1-2 points with terms ranging from 3-12 months.
This opportunity is perfect for investors interested in passively diversifying their portfolio. It is also a great opportunity for partners interested in learning more about real estate investing but wanting to first experience the process through an experienced investor.
If you are interested in making money, diversifying your portfolio and improving communities — please schedule a time below!
If you’re interested in learning more about Real Estate investing, check out our blog
— Nest Away Cafe —
What are private lenders?
Private lenders are people who loan money but are not tied to a bank or credit union. They can fund a variety of loans and typically have faster approval times and greater flexibility compared to traditional institutions.
Why does private lending exist for real estate?
Private money lenders often are looking for a chance to earn above average rates of return on their money. They may also be looking to diversify their portfolio but do not have the time needed to focus on a new investment stream.
On the other side, real estate investors are looking for fast turnaround and funding to secure deals in a competitive market. As banks and other institutional lenders do not provide the same combination of speed, transparency and cost, private lending is a natural partnership.
Do you have examples of completed projects?
Absolutely! Check out our project history page.
What should I do if I’m interested in partnering?
Reach out and schedule a call. We'd love to talk about your goals and how we can help you achieve them.
What information do I get about the investment?
When presenting the deal to our private partners, we provide information throughout the entire process.
Initially, we will send an overview of the property. This contains information about the purchase price, ARV (after repair value), scope of work (renovation) and exit strategy (how we plan to pay off the note). We may also send over additional documents such as inspection reports.
Loan documents provided to a private lender include a Promissory Note and Personal Guarantee.
During the entire process, we will provide frequent updates and photos documenting the renovation progress.
Can I use an IRA or other retirement funds to invest in real estate?
Yes! By transferring your retirement funds into a Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA), you can start making private loans. With this, you can loan out funds where the returns are tax-free or tax deferred. This is a great way to invest retirement funds that you do not want to expose to the volatility of the stock market.
Once the terms of the loan is agreed upon, you send instructions to your SDIRA custodian who executes the loan instructions on your behalf. All payments (principal and interest) are made to the SDIRA, which is the lender. Sit back and relax as you earn tax-advantaged income to grow your retirement account.
Make sure to check with your financial advisor or CPA that this strategy works for your retirement goals.